Photography: A Real Tool For Real Business

Photography: A Real Tool For Real Business

When I am not working with Holst I am a documentary photographer.

This means I produce photographs that are truthful and have a connection to real situations. My photos attempt to represent those situations with minimal distortion.

I was recently involved in a project to highlight the importance and value of photography in the workplace. Photography is often overlooked as a tool for business.

Here are some of the applications:

  • A record of key events
  • Stock photography for advertising
  • Visual communication
  • As a teambuilding exercise

My brief was to visit businesses across the UK, going behind the scenes to photograph people and the training courses they attended. The project captured the true essence of the people involved and situations created.

The end result of the project was the best part. The company used the images to create a calendar that has now been distributed to their existing and potential customers! These photos present a unique and personal touch that reflects them as a business.

They have also showcased the photos on their website.

An additional benefit is the company now have their very own image library of unique photographs. Much more powerful than using stock images that might also appear on competitor’s materials and shows the real people in your business.

Consider using photography as a tool for a teambuilding exercise. Why not create a photographic ‘treasure hunt’ where teams have specific challenges or just recording key events in your business and uploading them to your company’s Facebook page?

After all, people matter and what a terrific way to engage them.


About the author: Vanessa Lovegrove is our Client Support Officer at Holst (bringing you the McQuaig Psychometric System). To contact Vanessa email her at

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