What is it?
The McQuaig Word Survey® is personality profiling tool and includes 10 easy to read reports. It is online and takes 10-20 minutes to complete.
The McQuaig Word Survey® is a personality test that measures core personality traits as well as how a person is behaving in their current role or job. The analysis between the two shows any adjustments the individual is making. This is important as it includes high and low morale etc.
There is no pass or fail. The McQuaig Word Survey® indicates how a person’s temperament is likely to influence their future behaviour. This in turn helps identify strategies to recruit, manage, develop and retain.
The McQuaig Word Survey® is registered with British Psychological Society and fully reviewed by the Psychological Testing Centre. The validity of The McQuaig Word Survey® stands alone from other tests and is based on the independent work of Jack McQuaig with over 40 years of ongoing validation and research.
Why use it?
Use the McQuaig Word Survey® to:
- Understand what behaviours candidates will bring to the job
- Manage and develop more effectively
- Improve interviews
- Induct more quickly
- Reduce turnover

Who uses it?
Any candidates or employees you are looking to profile.
What are the 10 reports?
These are broken into 3 sections:
- Understanding
- Recruiting/Promoting
- Managing/Coaching tips
The Profile
A graphical summary that provides trained interpreters with a picture of his/her temperament/behaviour patterns. It illustrates their natural style of behaviour and noting any changes they may be making because of their current situation.
Interpretation Report
Use this report for a comprehensive and fundamental understanding of the potential assets she brings to the job, possible areas for development/concern and an indication of any adjustment to their current situation.
Leadership Profile
Provides a summary of their likely behaviour in a leadership role. Use this report if they are currently in or, he/she is an applicant for a leadership position in your company or if they may be required to assume leadership responsibilities from time to time (e.g. projects, meetings, special assignments
Selling Style
Provides a summary of his/her likely behaviour in a sales role. Use this report if he/she is currently in or, is an applicant for a sales role in your company or if, in their current role they are expected to sell ideas or solutions or persuade others to her point of view etc
Interviewing Questions
Behaviourally based Interviewing Questions. Use these questions to probe into their past on-the-job behaviours to allow you to predict future on the job behaviours.
Management Overview
Use this report on a regular basis as a quick reminder of his/her profile. Be sure to study the other fuller reports before giving feedback or making decisions.
Motivating Factors
Use this report to understand his/her inner needs in order to assess whether they are being met in their current job or if they would realistically be met in a potential new role.
Strategies for Coaching and Development
Use this report for guidance on how to work with them effectively. If you have a copy of your own ‘Do’s and Don’ts’, (found in this same report), comparing your expectations with theirs will be especially enlightening.
Developmental Learning Style
To select the best training approach, use this report if you are training him/her on a one-to-one basis or are considering investing in formal training courses for them. Any induction process will go much more smoothly if you understand and use this report in their first few weeks on the job.
Team Approach
Use this report to understand how they work in a team. If they are currently on your team you can compare this report with the Team Approach Reports of other members of your team. This will add considerably to your understanding of your team’s current dynamics. If he/she is an applicant, use this report to see how their style might impact those dynamics.