The Benefits of Using McQuaig in your Business
- Understand the candidate behind the CV
- Identify your candidate’s preferred behaviours
- Conduct effective interviews
- Hire the right people and retain them
- Reduce your hiring costs
The inability to retain staff has a real a measurable cost to businesses in the UK and around the world. It is widely accepted that it costs at least £8,000 to recruit a new person. In the event they don’t succeed in the role the ‘lost opportunity’ really hits the bottom line.
A CV is typically a good indicator of whether a person has been successful in past jobs and gained experience. It is not a reliable indicator of future success. McQuaig gives a hiring manager the information they need to understand the personality behind the CV. McQuaig also gives the interviewer the right questions to ask during the interview process.
There are no right or wrong answers to McQuaig. But it will give you a strong and accurate indication of a person’s preferred behaviours. From here you can decide if they suit the definition of the job. If the job allows them to behave in a natural way then they are more likely to cope effectively with the demands of the role.
Understand the Whole Person with McQuaig
McQuaig helps you understand the whole person. It is so much more than a personality test .
Recruitment and selection is like a 3-legged stool. Ability, temperament and character all feed into whether that person will deliever effective performance in your organisation. You need to get these structural elements right or the stool may topple over at the first sign of pressure.
McQuaig measures different aspect of an individual, including specific skills succh mental agility and innate qualities such as temperament.

McQuaig for Interviewers and Hiring Managers
Psychometric assessment is just part of the hiring process. Interviews provide information tests can’t reach. Research shows that interviews, references and application forms are very bad at predicting whether people will succeed.
Yet interviews alone lack objectivity because you will be hugely influenced by your prejudices, likes and dislikes without realising it.
McQuaig helps your hiring managers and interviewers carry out their interviews to the highest possible standard through the McQuaig Job Fit Interview Guide and Interviewing Questions report. Back this up with our McQuaig Effective Interviews and Selection training workshop, which is designed for non-HR professionals and those HRs who are new to interviewing.