The McQuaig Self-Development Survey™ 

This report helps individuals and their line managers and coaches, understand their temperament in a clear dynamic format. The report takes information from The McQuaig Word Survey® (our psychometric test) and produces a tailored Self-Development Report.

The report starts from a graphic summary of the behavioural profile, and works through profile highlights (shown in bullet points), to a detailed analysis of a person’s strengths in descending order. This powerful process shows how to optimise an individual’s strengths. It can be used in regular assessments, performance management reviews and in planning projects and work.

It helps individuals learn ways to manage and control their performance to a higher level. Business relationships that share this information can become warmer, and add shared focus to development plans. This report stimulates personal effectiveness, and also helps team effectiveness, with graphic comparisons for line managers.

The McQuaig Self-Development Report™ includes:

Your behavioural profile

  • Personal analysis of your strengths and limitations
  • Helpful suggestions and actions
  • Tips for getting input from your manager or coach
  • Personal action plan

It is attracting a great deal of interest – would you like to know more?”

For more information about The McQuaig Self-Development Survey™ click here.

For more information about our Effective You! workshop click here.
